Technical Information…
Awards, and Classes:
There is one General Classification, or leader-board, which will produce an outright winner, with trophies going to each crew member, plus awards for the crews who finish 2nd, and 3rd overall. In addition, awards will be presented to each crew-member who wins one of the following 5 Classes:- Cars up to 1400cc.
- Cars up to 1600cc.
- 4x4 vehicles over 1600cc
- Classic Cars up to 2-litres, of a model-type in manufacture prior to 1986
- Classic Cars over 2-litres, of a model-type in manufacture prior to 1986
Crews who finish 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the General Classification are not eligible for Class Awards.
In addition, there will be one Team Award, The Manufacturer’s Team Prize, presented to all crew members of the highest placed Team of two cars, where both cars are of the same Manufacturer.

A classic Mercedes on a previous ERA event in Africa
Technical Requirements:
All cars mustl comply with the technical code of the event Regulations, and will be examined for compliance at the Scrutineering day held at Brooklands, prior to the Start.
All cars entered must retain the standard Manufacturer’s body panels, retaining the original shape and profile and be contructed with the original materials except that the front and rear bumpers, and the bonnet, may be modified or changed for an alternative material.
Cars in Classes 1 and 2 may be front wheel drive, rear wheel drive, or four-wheel-drive.
Cars in Classes 1, 2, and 3 may be of any age.
Classic cars in Class 4 or 5 must only be two-wheel-drive.
The windscreen must be of laminated glass. Other windows can be changed for alternative materials. The use of heavy tinted material or mirror glass will be restricted.
Engines may be modified but must represent either an engine from the same Manufacturer, or, as Homologated for motor-sport. Forced induction, such as turbocharging, is only accepted on diesel engines.
Suspension may be modified, uprated or raised in order to meet the conditions of Africa but the general design principles of the Manufacturer’s showroom production car must be retained. For example, leaf-springs must not be replaced with coils if such an example was not the original Manufacturer’s production-car design.
All electrical components can be changed or modified.
Brake components may be modified.
The fitting of alternative fuel tanks is permitted.
Seating and interiors may be changed or modified but all cars must retain the Manufacturer’s original dashboard.
Wheels and tyres are a free choice with no restriction on type and number carried.
All cars must be equipped with the following:- Full-harness seat-belts
- Roll-over protection bar with front legs mandatory in Class 3, (Recommended for other Classes)
- Provision for a 5-litre emergency water supply
- A minimum of two spare wheels and tyres
- A 1.75 kg or two-litre fire-extinguisher
- Tow-rope
In addition a legal requirement in some of the countries, all cars must carry a High-visibility jacket, two warning triangles, and spare headlamp bulbs.
The event is a timed Competition. Crews must comprise of two people, of any age, holding a valid driving licence. Changes of crew during the event will not be permitted.
To qualify for a Finishers Award crews must- Start from the Houses of Parliament on time
- Clock in at Nairobi within maximum allowed lateness
- Cross the Finish Line at Cape Town within maximum allowed lateness
*All cars should be prepared within a spirit of self-sufficiency. The organising of pre-arranged service assistance with the employment of strategically placed back-up crews is strictly outside the spirit of the event.